I had a six month old boy visit the studio today. Mommy woke him up for photos, and like most boys, that's never a good idea! Although he did pretty well for lack of sleep!
This was a nice quick session in their back yard. We had great ligthing and nice weather. Sometimes I am so used to photograhing babies, that I forget what it's like to have cooperative subjects! Blake and Sarah will be married in August, so watch for their photos!
This is from a wedding we did today. What I love when the bride and groom give me ample time to do photos, is not only do I get to play and experiment, but we get lots!! It really does pay off to give the photographer the time to capture these moments! It was a great wedding, the bride was stunning, everyone was happy, the weather was wonderful...except for the mosquitoes....couldn't have asked for a better day. Here's just a sneak peek...enjoy!
Ok, this dolly is 7 months old, and such a beautiful little girl! I got to do her photos when she was newborn, and I can't believe it's already been 7 months! She has found her tongue, and is a bit obsessed with it, likes to stick it out A LOT! Enjoy!
This here is Kylie, a very full of energy six year old! I'm surprised she didn't literally bounce of my walls! Her mom decided to give her a fun photoshoot, so she came with different outfits and we did just that, had fun....oh to play dress-up again!
A little bit of rain didn't matter! These two have been together since highschool and have now finally tied the knot! Shannon looked beautiful, and Phil cleaned up not too bad himself. Usually I'm having to ask the bride and groom to kiss, but not with these two, they couldn't keep their hands off each other!! Congratulations!
This little one decided to make her mission to pee and pooh as many times possible. I have never seen such a little one explode as much as she did! I was lucky I had her pointing away from me the one time!! We had to have patience with this shoot, since she wanted to eat the whole time! But it was worth it in the end.