Friday, February 29, 2008


I feel like a kid in a candy shop!! I am finally getting my stuff together and re-working my packages, which means offering new things!! I've been working with my sister who owns Bright Ideas and she has actually put my ideas in order and finessed them! This year is going to be awesome. She's come up with new ways to get my photography out there, more things to offer clients, and of course, a better look for my business. So once again, I can't stop smiling! It's nice to feel like I'm finally getting organized and a consistency to my look.
As soon as I have everything put together, and samples to show off, I will be letting you all in on my awesome new products and pacakges! And of course, I'll have a few specials for you early birds to test the new products and tell me what you think.
Are you as excited as me? Hope so!!

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